Monitoring Network Projects & Hacking

wraprancid and RANCID 3.x

Jethro R Binks’ excellent wraprancid script allows you to bring in configurations (and pretty much anything else that can be text) without having to get involved in writing a new ?rancid/?login combination for your device. That avoids some pretty hairy perl and Tcl code, so it’s definitely a Good Thing! It’s also useful for devices that don’t even have a command-line, but might allow you to fetch their config from a web page, or TFTP.

The trouble is, RANCID changed the way it deals with device types between RANCID 2.x and RANCID 3. It changed in a good way, so that the patches to rancid-fe that tools like wraprancid required are no longer necessary. What was previously hard-coded in the source of rancid-fe is now a proper configuration file, with a second config file for you to add your own types to. Here’s how to get wraprancid working with RANCID 3.x

First, I’m assuming you have a working wrapplugin script. Here’s one I use to fetch the config from Asterisk servers.

#!/opt/perl/bin/perl -w
# Modules

# Load any modules needed
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SSH::Perl;

# Variables

# Initialize variables used in this script

my $debug = 0;

my %options = ();
getopts('df:', \%options);
my $file = $options{'f'};
my $fh;
my $host = $ARGV[0];

$debug = $options{'d'};

print STDERR "to host: $host\n" if $debug;

my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host, protocol => '2,1', debug => $debug );

print STDERR "made ssh obj\n" if $debug;

print STDERR "login\n" if $debug;
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("true");
print STDERR "got output\n" if $debug;

# Open the output file.
open($fh, ">", $file) or die "Cannot open output file\n";
print $fh "#RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: wrapper.asterisk\n#\n";

print $fh $stdout;
print STDERR "wrote output of ". length($stdout)." bytes\n" if $debug;

# End #
print STDERR "done\n" if $debug;

That lives in ~rancid/bin/asterisk.wrapplugin, just as it did in version 2.

Then, in ~rancid/etc/rancid.types.conf, we’ll define a new device type called wrapper-asterisk:

wrapper-asterisk;script;wraprancid -s asterisk.wrapplugin

(I don’t think the login script matters, as it’s never used, but it must be specified to keep RANCID happy)

And finally in the router.db, you can put your actual device:


That’s it. You can repeat for whichever other scripts you need to do this for.

Bonus Tip

The asterisk end of the script above works like this: we use SSH public key authentication to connect to the server, and then in ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys, there is a line like this:

command="/usr/sbin/asterisk -V; echo 'extensions.conf'; cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf; echo 'sip.conf'; cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf; echo 'iax.conf';cat  /etc/asterisk/iax.conf",from="myrancidhost" ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC174ENozlUVBe5hH32Wy/duAJt1b4nWbVPoW1GP/koSZNv3888s3fx23nEpLMJxispulA== rancid@myrancidhost

So that the user authenticating with that particular key doesn’t get a shell, they just get the output from a series of cat commands, and then disconnected. They must also be connecting from the RANCID server.

So, now we have Asterisk in the same version control system as our network gear. You can use a similar setup for things like BSD ipfw-based firewalls, or Quagga routers.

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