kio makes a nice-looking z80 assembler with lots of interesting output options for cross-development to a ZX Spectrum target, like writing .SNA files straight from the assembler. However, it only comes with binaries for a few platforms (or rather not all versions on all platforms), and source-code comes with just an xcode build file. The instructions then just say ‘create a Makefile’ to get it to compile! Here’s how I compiled it on Ubuntu 14.04…
First, you’ll need a c++ compiler:
sudo apt-get install g++
Then, you’ll need the config.h for linux:
cd {the directory you unzipped the source into}
cp config.h config.h-dist
cp config.h.LINUX config.h
Then compile it all together in a single line:
g++ -o zasm -I. -I kio *.cpp kio/*.cpp -lpthread
Which should leave you with a zasm binary in the current directory.
To install:
sudo cp zasm /usr/local/bin
Finally, to get an emulator to feed your project to:
sudo apt-get install fuse-emulator-gtk