Monitoring Network Projects & Hacking

wraprancid and RANCID 3.x

Jethro R Binks’ excellent wraprancid script allows you to bring in configurations (and pretty much anything else that can be text) without having to get involved in writing a new ?rancid/?login combination for your device. That avoids some pretty hairy perl and Tcl code, so it’s definitely a Good Thing! It’s also useful for devices that don’t even have a command-line, but might allow you to fetch their config from a web page, or TFTP.

The trouble is, RANCID changed the way it deals with device types between RANCID 2.x and RANCID 3. It changed in a good way, so that the patches to rancid-fe that tools like wraprancid required are no longer necessary. What was previously hard-coded in the source of rancid-fe is now a proper configuration file, with a second config file for you to add your own types to. Here’s how to get wraprancid working with RANCID 3.x

First, I’m assuming you have a working wrapplugin script. Here’s one I use to fetch the config from Asterisk servers.

#!/opt/perl/bin/perl -w
# Modules

# Load any modules needed
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SSH::Perl;

# Variables

# Initialize variables used in this script

my $debug = 0;

my %options = ();
getopts('df:', \%options);
my $file = $options{'f'};
my $fh;
my $host = $ARGV[0];

$debug = $options{'d'};

print STDERR "to host: $host\n" if $debug;

my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host, protocol => '2,1', debug => $debug );

print STDERR "made ssh obj\n" if $debug;

print STDERR "login\n" if $debug;
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("true");
print STDERR "got output\n" if $debug;

# Open the output file.
open($fh, ">", $file) or die "Cannot open output file\n";
print $fh "#RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: wrapper.asterisk\n#\n";

print $fh $stdout;
print STDERR "wrote output of ". length($stdout)." bytes\n" if $debug;

# End #
print STDERR "done\n" if $debug;

That lives in ~rancid/bin/asterisk.wrapplugin, just as it did in version 2.

Then, in ~rancid/etc/rancid.types.conf, we’ll define a new device type called wrapper-asterisk:

wrapper-asterisk;script;wraprancid -s asterisk.wrapplugin

(I don’t think the login script matters, as it’s never used, but it must be specified to keep RANCID happy)

And finally in the router.db, you can put your actual device:


That’s it. You can repeat for whichever other scripts you need to do this for.

Bonus Tip

The asterisk end of the script above works like this: we use SSH public key authentication to connect to the server, and then in ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys, there is a line like this:

command="/usr/sbin/asterisk -V; echo 'extensions.conf'; cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf; echo 'sip.conf'; cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf; echo 'iax.conf';cat  /etc/asterisk/iax.conf",from="myrancidhost" ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC174ENozlUVBe5hH32Wy/duAJt1b4nWbVPoW1GP/koSZNv3888s3fx23nEpLMJxispulA== rancid@myrancidhost

So that the user authenticating with that particular key doesn’t get a shell, they just get the output from a series of cat commands, and then disconnected. They must also be connecting from the RANCID server.

So, now we have Asterisk in the same version control system as our network gear. You can use a similar setup for things like BSD ipfw-based firewalls, or Quagga routers.

Monitoring Network Tech Uncategorized

RANCID, ssh, Cisco MDS and “too many authentication failures”

I just ran into this, and it took a little while to figure out, so here’s my quick note. If you have a Cisco MDS being backed up by RANCID, then you can get the following odd message, even if it’s the first time you tried to log in with this user:

Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for confbackup

What is happening is that the ssh client tries with whatever public keys it has configured first, and then the password-based auth that you thought it was doing all along. With a few keys, that’s enough to annoy the MDS into closing the connection.

The solution is to disable public-key auth for this connection. To do that with RANCID requires a little bit of extra work. First, create a shellscript (I call mine /opt/rancid/local/ssh-no-pubkey):


ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no $*

Then for the devices that are suffering, tell RANCID to use this new SSH command instead of just ‘ssh’. In .cloginrc:

add sshcmd mds01 {/opt/rancid/local/ssh-no-pubkey}

Now RANCID can login and backup the config fine.

Additional tip – the ‘cisco’ device type seems to work better than the (theoretically correct) ‘cisco-nx’ device type for MDS switches.

Monitoring Network Tech

RANCID on Speed

I like RANCID a lot, and this is the first time I’ve found a presentation from someone else about the kind of things I like to do with RANCID.

RANCID is pretty handy by itself – allowing you to actually know that the config for customer X hasn’t been changed in months, or verify that changes happening actually have corresponding change control tickets, as well as simply having a backup of everything and an automatic inventory (need all the serial numbers of all the WS-X6748-GE-TX cards in your network? It’s just a grep away). Since it all goes into version control (Subversion or CVS), you can do all this for last week, or last year, too. Useful for when your maintenance contract still lists the original serial number for that module that got RMAed 6 months ago, instead of the new one.

Internally, we have tools based around the Net::Netblock and Cisco::Reconfig perl modules and a bunch of hacks to generate things like hourly-updated, always accurate maps of what VLANs are in use where, what IP ranges are in use where, by VRF, which devices have an interface in that subnet on that VLAN and so on, all generated from collected configs in RANCID.

If you have a network of more than a few devices, and especially if you need to suddenly start answering “compliance” kinds of questions (where are your backups? can you prove they are regular? can you show the last change on that device? can you regularly verify that all devices have telnet disabled?) then you really should spend that afternoon setting it up. You’ll feel better for it.